Eternus Nox Noctis
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STATS: Rage, Control and Constitution

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STATS: Rage, Control and Constitution Empty STATS: Rage, Control and Constitution

Post by Honk Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:26 am

Just want to share this link. It shows you the maximum in rage, control and constitution needed for each level region.

This becomes even more imprtant when you reach lvl 110 and realize that you can't buy/equip an item because one or more of your stats are to low. Spend your points wisely!

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And in addition, my point of view and some info:

  • ~3 points rage = +1 weapon damage
  • ~3 points control = +1 prevented damage (defence)
  • Haven't found such an info about constitution so far.

Most important for pvp and strong pve opponents is constitution as const increases your chance to resist hostile procs.

Rage and control can be increased by "acendence" but there is no buff for constitution.

So, my suggestion for a lvl 110 vampire would be something like this:
rage = 100 (minimum for the best weapons)
control = 68 (70 is only needed for the dragon boots from dragons lair)
constitution = 80

o/ Honk

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