Eternus Nox Noctis
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BUY: Skyrider Drones (5BDs/each), Acupuncture/Grave Touch/Purge (2BDs/each)

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BUY: Skyrider Drones (5BDs/each), Acupuncture/Grave Touch/Purge (2BDs/each)  Empty BUY: Skyrider Drones (5BDs/each), Acupuncture/Grave Touch/Purge (2BDs/each)

Post by Revrar Fri Jan 10, 2014 10:43 am

I pay in blood diamonds.

I will buy:

Skyrider Drone WoCs for 5 BDs/each (7 needed)
Agonizing Acupunture Scrolls for 2 BD/each (113 needed)
Grave Touch Scrolls for 2 BD/each (116 needed)
Purge Scrolls for 2 BD/each (104 needed)



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