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Maximizing Bloodlust

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Maximizing Bloodlust Empty Maximizing Bloodlust

Post by Gwendoline Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:01 pm

Everyone reading this should know this by now, but I think its worth bringing up again to our members who do not: everyone should have a special "Regeneration" setup saved that maximizes your bloodlust when you are not playing. In other words, all slots for equipment, accessories, mounts, servants, and so on should be filled with items that maximize your bloodlust and bloodlust regeneration time, with no regard to combat effectiveness.

This works on the theory that when you switch between builds, even if your selected build has lower max bloodlust than the build you switched from, the bloodlust you get to use is the higher value. For instance, if Setup A had a max bloodlust of 500 and I have a full bar of bloodlust, switching to Setup B (which has a max bloodlust of 300) does not drop my bloodlust to 300; I get to keep and use a larger amount of bloodlust (500 in this example), and so it makes sense to have a build saved that maximizes your bloodlust!

Always equip this "Regeneration" Build when you are not playing so your regeneration time is fast, and you get the maximum amount of bloodlust to use when you are ready to play again!

To make a "Regeneration" Build, you should fill your accessory slots with as many squirrels (i.e. Soul Mystic, Soul Slasher, etc.) as you can find to increase max bloodlust, and a Stolen Cyberlabs Laptop to increase bloodlust regeneration time. Of course, this depends on what accessories you have, and you should pick those that increase your bloodlust the most. Similarly, your servant slots can be filled by a Zombie to increase max bloodlust, and the Blood Surgeon to increase bloodlust regeneration time.

It might seem as if most of the good items to use here are donation-only items, but that is not true! One way to increase your bloodlust without donating is to equip as many items as you can that have blue sockets! This works best (especially with weapons and armor) with pieces of equipment that you do not really rely on in other builds to cause damage, and some popular ones that are in use are the Riddler's Hands (2 Blue Sockets) and for higher-level players, one of the two 3 blue-socket weapons that you can get in PvB (the Blue Pearl Rapier and the Wand of Shattered Dreams).

To pay for your shiny new gem, visit Coraline where you can convert 50 Blood Rubies into 5 Blood Sapphires. To get loads of Blood Rubies, farm R2 (Dark Forest) and R5 (Abandoned Industrial Complex) as many of you should be able to deathblow creatures there easily by now and items like the Bokken and the Insectoid carapace paradoxically yield more Blood Rubies than higher-level items like the Axe of Endless Winter or the Boomerang!

Using Blood Rubies to get Blood Sapphires will be a common theme to many of the strategies I will write about and so, I will probably try and put together a post about how best to get loads of Blood Rubies in the future.

Hope this helps! =)


Anzahl der Beiträge : 20

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Maximizing Bloodlust Empty Re: Maximizing Bloodlust

Post by Gwendoline Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:10 pm

Oops. Clarification Needed: you should fill each blue socket with a Succulent Sapphire to maximize bloodlust. Each Succulent Sapphire increases bloodlust by 6.


Anzahl der Beiträge : 20

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Maximizing Bloodlust Empty Re: Maximizing Bloodlust

Post by Umbriel Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:22 pm

Quick question, how to get squirrels? =x

Anzahl der Beiträge : 4

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Maximizing Bloodlust Empty Re: Maximizing Bloodlust

Post by Gwendoline Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:39 pm

Squirrels are donation only, unfortunately. They were available as a bonus item when a $20 or greater donation was made during the Halloween and Silverlight Lake Portal Events. They were also available for $5 each during those 2 events. Suspect they would be available again, but you might have to wait for a while. In the meantime, accesories with blue sockets will have to serve as a substitute.


Anzahl der Beiträge : 20

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Maximizing Bloodlust Empty Re: Maximizing Bloodlust

Post by Honk Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:55 am

I guess Squirrels will be available again at end of March ...

event: Blood moon arising 3

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Maximizing Bloodlust Empty Re: Maximizing Bloodlust

Post by Honk Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:13 pm

you can also plug Stalwart emerald gems (+30 blood) in your green slots for your regeneration setup.

that boosts your blood and when you switch to your PvE, PvB, PvP setup, you do not loose any blood or at least you loose less blood which safes you some credits.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 204

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