Eternus Nox Noctis
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Share your favorite build's

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Share your favorite build's Empty Share your favorite build's

Post by Honk Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:09 pm

Hey everyone!

if you think you have a superior PvB, a handy PvE or a devastating PvP build and you wanna share it with us post it here. A screenshot and your build 'details' would be best.

To get started, here is my PvE Build for R10. It's all about deathblowing Scintilla.
That build includes some donation items but there is also space for more damage items. Like the laptop and 2 servants (Childe and Raven) are only for loot and credits enhancement and for reduced bloodlust per fight (blue gems).

With this build i have a rate of 4/15 (wins/deathblows) on scintilla.

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Share your favorite build's Empty Re: Share your favorite build's

Post by Gwendoline Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:11 am

How do you take pictures Honk? Print Screen?


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Share your favorite build's Empty Re: Share your favorite build's

Post by Honk Sun Mar 17, 2013 10:53 pm

Yes, just press the "PRINT"-Button for a full display screenshot or ALT GR + PRINT for a screenshot of the active window.

Next Step:
Open a graphic editor (i.g. paint for windows) and press CTRL+V (=paste).

Cut the relevant part of your picture and save that file anywere.

Now you can upload it to the web and post the picture url here.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 204

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Share your favorite build's Empty Re: Share your favorite build's

Post by modelol Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:00 am

how do u think can i beat Scintilla with deathblow?
or i shouldn't wate my time?
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Share your favorite build's Empty Re: Share your favorite build's

Post by Honk Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:12 am

Hey modelol,

sorry, haven't checked the forum recently.

As I don't know what items do you own, I can give you just some advices for the build you have posted.

1. You have a strong physical build. Ice Lance as weapon is a bad decision. Sure you have some boost for slayer and berserk. But scintilla is immune to ice damage.
=> Try Eon axes or the scimitar of dark fury if you own one of them. If not, hunt for them first.

Some other items i would change:

Head: Voodoo headdress provides not much for your build
=> better items: go for the set helmet "Horns of madness" (+10 weapon damage and extra trample!) or "viking helmet"

Hand: If you equip "Horns of madness" as head item, you can also try jungle combat gloves for your hand armor. I really like that item.

Accessories: change: laptop and shrinkhead (thats an pvp item or against vampire opponents).
=> better items: stormbringer compass, mayan sacrifal knife, Deathcaller cloak, Jagged fang or at least oblivion talisman (with 3 cruelty gems)

Servants: arctic battlewolf has only +5% chance for berserk. not worth it.
=> better items: Nosferatu and traveller (use traveller for slot 3 otherwise you get the electric paradigm shift which isn`t useful for your build).

powers: If you have no cancel void I would switch Flurry for Frenzy

Glyph: Glyph of berserk is a good choice if you have that one leveld up.

Use for EVERY purple slot cruelty gems.

Hope that helps a bit. But first thing you should change is the weapon.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 204

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