Eternus Nox Noctis
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Share your CB links and find others

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Share your CB links and find others Empty Share your CB links and find others

Post by Honk Sun Feb 17, 2013 7:21 am

Hi guys,

if you want to share your cb links (because you fear our guild can't beat that boss alone or for other reasons) you can use my new form and spreadsheet.

What I have done was creating a simple google form to add coven bosses and a spreadsheet to list them. The spreadsheet has 2 tabs. One lists all CBs by summoning time and the 2nd tab lists all CBs by level. The remaining time is calculated by the system. It's a little helper for you to see which boss is still alive.
Old links will be deleted frequently.

So, all you have to do now is, use the form, add your cb link and check the spreadsheet to find links and help each other.

In a nutshell:

1) Post a CB link

2) Find CB links (spreadsheet)

3) Link for RSS reader
(optional) If you use a RSS reader, you can also use this link to get an info if a new boss as been added.

If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free and post them here and in case of questions just ask. Smile

o/ Honk

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